Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Simon Says

Hm...not a whole lot to say about today, really.  Although!  I taught for the first time today!  I started a new beginner class with two boys: Shou, age 8, and Sou, age 10.  They moved really quickly through the material I had prepared, so we played some educational-ish games that they really seemed to enjoy.  Although man, explaining Simon Says and Go Fish to kids who really don't understand English at all, especially with my limited Japanese, was a challenge.  But still, I really had way too much fun.  They're great kids.  And then later, I went to Carol's class with two junior high girls, who were both really sweet and fun and I liked a lot.  I think I just might have the best job ever.  <3

So after that class, I joined the Mie University Bible study that was going on upstairs in the Center (just down the hall from my apartment, lol).  I only caught the tail end of the actual Bible study, but I listened to the five or so students talk about their plans to have a Christmas movie night, and how best they could make it so that people could come, and etc.  All of this was in Japanese, so I was struggling to follow the conversation, lol.  After that, everyone introduced themselves, since it was my first time meeting most of them.  One of the girls has only been a Christian for a short time.  Exciting!  It was really cool to see young Japanese people who are on fire for God.  I mean, we know that God is everywhere, but being in another country and meeting Christians here and such, makes it so much more real.

From there, we all headed over to Carol's for dinner.  Did I take pictures of my food?  Oh yes I did.

Curry, with all kinds of veggies and stuff in it.  She had different kinds of fruit available for toppings too.  I've never had curry quite like it, but it was super good.  I may or may not have eaten two bowls of it...  She also made awesome pumpkin biscuits.

Persimmon bread, which was also amazing.  I think I've eaten more persimmons since I've been in Japan than I have in my whole life in the States.  They're so good!  Had this with cinnamon tea, which was probably the best tea I've ever tasted.  

Also, man, walking to Carol's house was my first time going outside today, and it was colddddd.  I'm still kind of cold, so I think it's about time I went to bed so I can snuggle under my nice warm blankets.  Good night all!


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